Contact Us

As a continuous and fast-growing technology company, we keep striving our best to offer you excellent products and quality service to meet your expectations and you can always reach out to us by simply dropping us a line at:

Customer & Technical Support
1. For 3D printer technical support:
2. For laser engraver technical support:
3. For order issues, unwanted item refunds, or returns:
4. For STEM kits, robots technical support:

When contacting our customer service team, the buyer must provide sufficient proof of purchase (the order number from online purchases made through ELEGOO, Amazon, or other ELEGOO's authorized resellers), tell us which product you purchased, and describe the problem as clearly as possible through text, images or short videos. This will help our team process your inquiries and help you solve the problems more efficiently.

Sponsorship & Influencer Collaboration:

To help us serve you better and faster, you can also fill out below forms, and the email will go to the right department.

3D Printer Technical Support Inquiry

For 3D printer technical support, please contact us accordingly fill out below form or via below emails:

Laser Engraver Technical Support Inquiry

For laser engraver technical support, please contact us accordingly fill out below form or via below emails:

Order Support Inquiry

For pre-sales consulting, payment issues, order issues, invoice issues, delivery problems, unwanted item refunds, or returns, please contact us accordingly fill out below form or via below emails:


STEM Kits Technical Support Inquiry

For STEM kits, robots technical support, please contact us accordingly fill out below form or via below emails:

Marketing Collaboration

For sponsorship and influencer collaboration, please contact us accordingly fill out below form or via below emails:

If you have any business inquires please fill in the form below, we should get back to you soon.

ELEGOO Contact Us